Wow, the last 10 days went by really fast...I just brought Martin&David back to the airport and their flight leaves in approximately 2 hours :-)
The last 10 days were crazy, but in a good way, of course :-) They arrived on Wednesday last week and when I picked them up at the airport they were really tired and had a jetlag so I just took them to the hot tub so that we could all relax a lil bit :-)

The next day, we went to Knotts Berry (or Scary) Farm which is an amusement park not far away from my home. You just have to the take the 91 West and it's about 30 mins away. I don't know if I told you guys before but I'm a little but scared of roller coasters and heights but Dave,Alison and Martin persuaded me to go on
every ride with them :-) They even "convinced" me to go on the freefall tower, and believe me, my palms were moistly..but I wasn't the only one who was nervous, Alison was also scared un poquito. Sometimes, I hate peer pressure :-)
Anyways, we had a lot of fun during that night and it was cool to go and see all the scary mazes

(labyrinth)...the actors alwasy scared Alison the most just because she is a girl...thhat was funny :-)
So for the weekend we picked up Florian Wulf, another international exchange student from Hechingen, and we did a roadtrip to the famous LAS VEGAS, or also called Sin City. I can really understand now why it is called Sin City: There is (legal) prostitution, gambling,parties,alcohol...whatever you want, they have it. It's pure hedonism in this city but that's why it is so much fun :-) It's amazing if you go there for one weekend but I can't imagine living there my whole life or even working there. This would be too (partying) much to handle.
So we left Vegas at 4 am in the morning on Sunday and Martin drove all the way back to Las Vegas within 4,5h while everybody else was sleeping in the car. Thanks once again Martin :-)
As soon as we've arrived back home, we went to the supermarket, bought some groceries and made breakfast. I think the breakfast is the best meal here in America because it's the only meal during the day when I don't eat fast food..sad but true :-(
Anyway, we slept for two hours and then we drove on the 110 North to the famous Staples Center to see the LA Clippers play against the Dallas Mavericks!!!

Unfortunately, the Clippers lost the game considerably against Dallas, and our successful German Wunderkind did not play that well either during this afternoon. However, it was a great experience and we enoyed it so much so that we decided to see another NBA game, namely the game between the Clippers and the Oklahoma Thunder. This game, which took place Wednesday night, was a little bit more interesting because the Clippers played better and in the end they actually won the game!!! ( As a matter of fact, this was the first victory for the the LA Clippers so far in this season)
The weather was really really good during Monday till Friday so for most of the time we just did stuff outside or we played basketball (or watched it at night, that is :-) ). For example, we went to Hermosa Beach on Tuesday where Dave enjoyed the high,strong waves. It was fun to actually be able to go into the ocean again without being to cold or freezing afterwards. I think we had around 30-40 degrees Celcius everyday...yes, you guys back in Germany (or PV) are allowed to be jealous now :-)
I have about 2,5 weeks before my next trip with Henry to San Francisco, so now it's time to focus on school again, study Spanish,and write a term paper for my history class. And it's also time to immerse myself in the English language again. I spoke enough German the last 10 days.
Having said this, here is a common saying/proverb in English: "Out of sight, out of mind". I think this one is easy to remember since it is so similar to the German equivalent.
There is also a similar one in Spanish but I forgot this one..I'll look it up for you.
Have a nice weekend, and I wish Dave&Martin a good and safe flight back home!