I've got much news for you- for example, that I finally have found a place to stay! It's a townhouse and I share the house with a woman called Andrea who is 39 years old but looks like she's in her late twenties. Acutally I wanted to insert a picture of her at this point but somehow i can't upload the pictures from my cell phone right now...aaarg :-/
Anyways, the house is really nice and safe (gated community) and there is also a spa and a pool included in the community which is really awesome :-) I can go to the spa whenever I want to which is really great! I think it paid it off for me to wait a lil bit longer but then make the right decision about the housing.
So this week I'll probably buy a car so that I don't have to call my friends all the time and so that I can be independent. At this point, I really want to thank Anika Long for her patience and her hospitality and for everything else she did for me...She helped me with many things and she was a very pleasant, altough sometimes intelecutally challenging, person to be around with. THANK YOU ANIKA!!! And yes, you're welcome for the flowers :-P
School will start tomorrow so I'm really excited about my first classes which are baseball, basketball and beginning Spanish I! I'm really looking forward to learning another language...(let's see how long this feeling lasts :-P ). I have to admit that it was sometimes hard to study English and French in school but now I'm proud that I can speak several languages. It's just a wonderful thing to speak several lanuages and it's always easier to get to know people if you speak their native tongue.
There's a joke which says: " If you speak several languages, then you're probably European; if you speak two languages then you'll be Canadian but if you speak only one language than you're American"

I think I found a way to upload the newest picture on my pc...here you go, I hope you like them! I love the sunshine state :-), did I mention that before?!

dmack, my basketball buddy
Me in the spa :-)

My new room