But the good news is that I'm going to meet a mexican car dealer tomorrow and that I'm also going to take a look at another room located in Long Beach. The room is a lil bit expensive (but normal for the LA county) but all important utilities are included (wifi, private bedroom, cable+ hbo tv, parcing space etc.). Let's wait and see what happens tomorrow! I'm also very excited about the american cars which the dealer will show/offer me. I'll take a few pictures of them and then upload then so that you guys can get a authentic impression of those cars ;)
Besides, I have my first inoffical basketball practice tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock in the gym of the school

I just walked to my school today and then I saw a few people with a basketball in their hands. I thought:" all right, lets walk over to them and ask them if I can play with them". That's exactly what I did and it even turned out that those guys were really friendly and nice people. So tomorrow I'll have my first real practice again---THIS IS FOR GRÖLA ONLY: The african-american guy I met in the gym also trained with a weight vest: So I'm not the only one who uses this training utensil----
Furthermore, I did the laundry today and I also tried to build a an IKEA bed. It didnt work out the way I wanted it to be so that's way I need to break it down tomorrow and assemble it tomorrow afternoon again. Believe me, it's not so easy to build something from IKEA..You should always use your brains!

me and a few ?mexican? kids at the Hermosa Beach pier.
Alright guys, as you can see I'm really busy but as soon as I have important news I'll update my blog and tell you what happened. I just want to give you one last tip: If you ever go to Los Angeles, try to stay one weekend in the surf city hostel in Hermosa Beach. That's one of the best hostels (and funniest!) I've every stayed in! And it's unbelievably close to the beach where you can find really good waves in case you want to try surfing.
See ya soon, and have a good one (that's what the americans always say)!
Nice Flo, try buying a Lowrider ^^