El gusto es mio,
to write a new blog entry for you guys back in Germany (and maybe other parts of America).
You have probably been wondering what I am doing all the time!Well, first of all, I'm fine and I'm doing good (gramatically speaking this is an error, I know, but that's just what everybody says here!Languages are vivid and change all the time!).
There are way to many cars in America..this is just one of the parking lots in front of my school..
I am pretty busy all the time; I have to take care of my homework for my classes (yes, even as a foreign exchange student you need 2 do homework :-( ); I have to go to the language lab and practice my Spanish and of corse, I also HAVE TO go to the gym everyday and play basketball :-)
My basketball class is Mondays and Wednesdays,and it is always from 12.00 until 12.50pm but then I also have another class, called intramurals, which is on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the same time, and we also just play basketball :-)

As a summary, America honored [for ena:honour] its promise to to give me plenty of opportunities to play basketball all the time and everywhere. Thank you! :-)
Aaah, by the way, I nearly forgot to mention that Dave and Martin (Scheuring) are going to visit me during Halloween!!! I think it's gonna be a great time for us and I'm quite sure that we'll have a lot of fun together in Los Angeles. Here is an excerpt from our programme:
1.) Halloween party in Hollywood, Los Angeles on October 31st
2.) Sixflags (massive amusement park with many crazy rides)
3.) Knott's scary farm...
4.) Maybe going to shooting ranch
5.) Maybe San Fransisco/Las Vegas/San Diego
6.) LA Lakers game
7.) and much much more :-)
As you can see, there is a lot to do in and around Los Angeles..My plan for the upcoming weekend(s) is/are to see some things around LA..Maybe I'll go to Santa Barbara and visit this apparently magnificent city! Supposedly, there is also a good winery over there which you should visit when you are travel to this city...
Moreover,tThere is also another friend (Henry) who is going to visit me in October. I met him at hermosa beach during my first week in La ,and we'll go together to San Diego!! I'm already excited about the San Diego Zoo and the city itsef..

I just want to mention one more thing before i finish me blog entry for today: I'm really glad that I have the chance to see and experience America, and I wanna thank my parents for this unique opportunity! Not ev

Have a good week!Nos vemos!
And don't forget: Jesus saves from Hell, so you better start praying soon ;) Welcome to America...
Flo or Flowrider (my nickname here in America since nobody knows the name Florian) :-)
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