What an exciting week! I can't believe that it is already over-just wooooosh :-)
So what did I do? Well, first, I finally bought a car...It's a Toyota Camry XLE from 1994 and its looks like the the picture of the right hand side.
Second, I went to school/university and I can tell you that it reminded me a little bit of school back home: Every student has his/her own chair with a small little desk in fron of it. But then, the atmosphere in the class is really relaxed and easygoing so i think I'll be doing fine in my classes.
Speaking of courses, I think it might be interesting for u to know what I'm studying in America. The classes are called "natural disasters, history of the us, beginning spanish" and I#m also enrolled in five other activity classes like basketball, baseball, yoga and so on.
So far, I really like it and I think it's going to be a great time during the semester.

In a lecture, there are normally about 30+ students in a room but compared to Germany that's really a low number of students.Somehow the school does not have really big lecture halls..maybe it's because the school isn't big enough.
Ok what else did I do this week that is worth writing about? Oh, I nearly forgot to mention that I was also busy doing typical "housewife jobs" ( I hope that this term doesn't sound sexist to some of my readers..) like doing the laundry ,cooking,cleaning and go shopping..And I also have to do some stuff (*remark from the author: sometimes this stuff is also called homework but that#s just a more sophisticated way to describe it) for uni like revising my Spanish vocabulary or reading a few pages in my history book. So far, it is not really a lot to do but I think this will change during the next few weeks..
And by the way, I overcame my fear of doing a backflip...into the water ;) It took me some time to do it but those 11-year-old kids at the swimming pool at my school just motivated and they also arouse my competition spirit ;). I think most of you guys know what I'm talking about (felix:mc, ena:tennis, alex:basketball and so on).


I think that was it for the last week and I wish everybody at home a good old-fashioned contorversial discussion about Sarrazin's new book..;) As far as I can tell, there's apparently a lot going on about this man. It is just interesting to see how different cultures are: I think in America, nobody would care (or give a f***) about his statements, actually I think it would rather be mild comapred to the things some Republicans say here but that's just the way it is. You can also put your own two cent's in it about this topic-feel free to comment.
Have a great monday morning! Tomorros is labor day in America, a public holiday, which means that there are no classes tomorrow. Therefore, I'll probably go on a trip to Hollywood and the Walk of Fame.
Cheers, Flo
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